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Conversation Hearts Gel Candles


What says Valentine’s Day more than conversation hearts! This colorful and unique candle is full of love when it is created by you. This quick and easy project is the perfect gift for teachers, friends and loved ones. It is the perfect centerpiece to create a touch of whimsy and romance to a table for two on Valentine’s Day. Because the gel wax does not get as hot as regular paraffin wax, this is a fun project to make with your children 10 years and older. For more fun Valentine’s Day ideas, make sure to visit Valentine’s Day S’mores and my recipe for Salmon in Paper Hearts!


Glass containers suitable for a candle (jars, glasses, vases. martini glasses, wine glasses…)

1 small candle small enough to fit inside of glass container or a tea light



Gel candle wax, found at most craft stores

Assorted conversation hearts

Glitter (optional)

Wooden skewer



  1. Melt gel candle wax according to manufacturer’s directions.

  2. To help measure the amount of gel that will be needed, place candle inside of glass container. Fill water to the level to about ¼ inch below where you would like your gel to be. The ¼ inch will compensate for the conversation hearts you will be adding later.

  3. Mark the water line with a marker. Remove candle and water, dry with paper towel.

  4. Slowly pour melted gel into glass container. Add a few conversation hearts, then add candle in center. Gel firms up fast, so quickly add additional hearts around the candle using the wooden skewer if needed to help adjust the hearts in the gel.



  • 4 Member's Mark Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts

  • 4 teaspoons of Member's Mark Cilantro Lime Seasoning 

  • 1 teaspoon of Member's Mark Himalayan Pink Salt 

  • 1 Tablespoon of Member's Mark 100% Pure Olive Oil 

  • 2 cups of Member's Mark Fresh Cilantro Pico De Gallo Style Salsa 

  • 1 ½ cups of Member's Mark Mexican Style Finely Shredded Cheese 

  • ½ cup of Daisy Brand Pure and Natural Sour Cream  

  • ½ cup of Member's Mark Homestyle Chunky Guacamole



  1. Season both sides of the chicken breasts with the Cilantro Lime Seasoning and salt.

  2. Place olive oil in a large skillet and adjust the temperature to medium-high heat.

  3. Add seasoned chicken breast to the skillet, and brown each side for 2-3 minutes.

  4. Pour salsa on top of the chicken, and cover with a lid. Cook chicken for 15 minutes. 

  5. Sprinkle the top of the chicken with cheese, and cover with a lid. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until cheese is melted and the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 165 degrees.

  6. Remove chicken from the skillet. Serve with sour cream and top with guacamole.

Serves 4

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